hmm....long time nv blog liao..recently kept going out wif my nu'er....
the previous dae , met lijun at parkway at 2pm , heading to east coast ..she was taking bus 40 , while i m taking bus 135..however the bus which lijun was taking was too slow , so she alighted at the the stop after sp n decided to catch nxt bus ..n she called mi ....well , when i heard tat bus was vry near to her bus stop..haha...well , so she boarded my bus n here we go ..first we went to parkway shop shop n went to eat den head to east coast ....we cycled n we played at the beach....

yeah , we spent quite a long time to collect tose shell n made tis nice , haha , den in the evening we went to eat at the hong kong reataurant...the food dam nice ....den we headed down to alj to meet toy...then went home bout 11 plus lyk tat , stupid bus so dam crowdedlucky nv meet onto sum1...
the next dae , around 2.30 lyk tat met lijun at bugis , den we went shopping spree again then headed to national library to meet toy then we intended to buy books , but i forgot to brin the pop card , arghh ,soo soo soo sry den we cabbed down to grandlink...the stupid taxis driver was so dam...dumb..stupid.. or act blur la...
td:where r u heading to ?
td:lorong wad ?
td:which lorong?
td:which way faster?
halloo , u r the driver , u expect us to noe meh , u r the one who r driving lei....
toy:guilliemard road (opp , don noe how to spell , sry for typo)
finally we reached gelyang , but the td drove the wrg way n sae :oh so here is grandlink , i rarely come to tis complicated place before ....waliao lyk tat criticize tis place...haiz ..fine , then we got off n went to the arcade to find toy's fren ..opp toy gonna got scolding our fault guiltly...SORRY!!..
then lijun n mi went to town to shop again , first we went far east then heeren then cine ,we brought necklace which lijun longed for vry long , den we headed to ps , we went to rest at mac then went to tap-z to play ...then i went home....n chatted at nite til quite late we did tat for about a few dae le until i got panda eyes liao , wuhaha

yeahh , toy gave mi tis got the speaker de, nw my com cannot played song lucky got tis ...haha , so cute , i love it very much ....thk
apple signing off