Monday, October 29, 2007
didnt go to sch
went wooodland's regional lib
for the briefing
starts at 9 ends at 12
left sch at 8.30
dam late
however we were not the last one
tok tok tok
in the end it ended at 10 plus plus
it was super early
n mr koh was fetching us at 12 plus
so we went to shop ard
until 1 plus den reached sch
but sch had alrdy ended
there goes my last dae of sch
slacked at pb
n slpt til 6 n went home
took cab down to sch wif mom
haf way, i realized tat i seems to miss out smth
where is my hp??
i left it at home
took the result
mom showed mi Black face
my result was below her expectation ba?
or mine??
didnt do reali well
went home took hp
n dashed out again
met bear they all
n went to jurong lib
walked ard to familiarise
then went to town n shopped ard
went to cathey wif silive
bought tickets for the seekers at 6.50pm
but the clock showed 7.10
so we were late for the movie
surried into the cinema
we didnt realised tat we ntered the wrg cinema
until we watched the movie for 5 mins long
n thought tat well the seekers where got tat modern de???
den we came to think of tat *h* movie
cos it was violent n .....
oh man
we couldnt believe tat we were watching at *h* la
it was beyond nc 16 but is ...
but overall the movie was quite nice la
jie last min called mi to go escape
got free two tickets
called xiao mei to go wif mi
but so unlucky
it rained
waited till 6 plus plus
den can play
played quite lot of games
like, inverted, n 1 spinning game, had lot of rounds of wet& wild
made myself drenched n shivered lyk hell
most enjoyable game was the haunted hse
got myself freaked out!!
but i let the guys to go first
n we walked in the middle
but we were stil afraid
we screamed out lungs out la
wen t home ard 9 plus
fun dae!!
went to jurong lib again
but tis time rd was the the real contest
ran around the lib
n rummaged the bks
busied dae
had an early dismissal again so we went to shop again
haha,sao cool
other sch had tchers to acc them
but we don hav so we can shop ard
Sunday, October 21, 2007

at east coast

at xp's hse


went to pulau ubin again
but not on bike
but was hike
dam cool
woke up super early in the morning
juz to make sandwiches
n prepared
had porridge b4 setted off to there
had a serious motion sickness
reached there safely
drank a sweet cocnut
dam cooling
hike to chek jawa
mission-reached there b4 high tide
objective-to get tann
the sun wasnt tat strong
but windy
we slpt at chek jawa
for haf an hr
thus there was a couple there lor
so embarrassing
but overall quite fun
tin we'r goin there again
sometimes i stumble upon 1 qn
y my life is so empty?
seems lyk lacking of smth
wad's the dam use of getting gd grades
i'm not intending to get into jc or uni
so y m i studying so hard
n stay in tis class
y m i torturing myself?
i felt tat my life is reali empty
no one reali understand mi
n i don even understand myself
i reali wan a guy who noes wad i wan
wad m i tining..
how i feel
but i tin it's hard
life is so miserable
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
had some crime prevention tok
but hafway
jt n mi went to toilet n chat
at 9
went to set up for sec 2 interclasss game
overall was quite ok ba
but skipped the cartoon's lesson
heard frm others tat it's quite fun
then after the interclass game
went to have lunch
SAF guys were here again
met jt,grace n xp outside hall
planning to go east coast n cycle
but in the end we went to slp at xp's hse
dam lethargic
n kept on yawning
but i love her hse!!
got to see sea view
woke up at 5
went to pp n ate kfc
sent semo to bus-stop
n went to east coast n chit chat
had a great dae
went home
n played wif the stupid dog
recently bibi sick lor
sent her to vet
she cut her hair
dam CUTE!!!
Sunday, October 14, 2007
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
i m back
hip hip hooray
i tin i flung all the exams paper
eng-not too sure
chin-no time
ss n geo-worte crap
chem-quite ok
bio-wrote less than half of the pg for 7 marks qns
phy-dam tough
haiz..afterall i wasnt tat well-prepared
all last min revision
phy was so so so so dam diff
but at least got enough time to check through the paper
after sch
went to watch movie
^resident evil 3^
omg,the show was dam freaky NICE!!!
worth to watch..
n some of the movie they seem to cut-off
too violent i tin...
n i miss the part 1 n part 2 too.
after movie
went to shop ard
juz realised tat quite a lot of building had change over a short period of time
or maybe i too long nv go out le??
behaved lyk a country pumkin
cannot be blame
nv go out for 1 mth..
shopped til 9 plus plus
den went home
dam exhausted
oh ya
before i end tis post
todae mrs lian came to the late comer sites n question us
"y r u all stil doin duties during exam period
u r suppose to stay wif ur class n study, whot told u to do duty??"
--of cos is u la,stil got hu? i thought
"erm....(silent)"we sae
"so who asked u??"she asked again
jasmine tried to ans it was her(mrs lian)..cos the last prefect meeting,she sae the late comer duties must stil be carry out even during later exam period..
however, she stopped jasmine n pointed at mi..
oh gosh....
"u shld u r the most senior here...(blah blah blah)"
after much nagging,she went off
omg....she was the one who sae late comer nid to do duty den nw she came n qn us who asked we all nid to do duty
i tin tt all for todae
goin to slp soon