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Wednesday, January 13, 2010

When we judge or criticize another person, it says nothing about that person; it merely says something about our own need to be critical.

Any fool can criticize, condemn, and complain but it takes character and self control to be understanding and forgiving.

Before you criticize someone, you should walk a mile in their shoes. That way when you criticize them, you are a mile away from them and you have their shoes

7:30 PM

Before you speak, listen.
Before you write, think.
Before you spend, earn.
Before you invest, investigate.
Before you criticize, wait.
Before you pray, forgive.
Before you quit, try.
Before you retire, save.
Before you die, give.

7:28 PM

Sunday, September 20, 2009

yeah, watched two movies ytd, 19/09/09
the ugly truth and 4bia 2

the ugly truth was nice
very funny and interesting
well that guy is hot!
hmm as for the 4bia 2
not very nice.. or maybe i cant get the link?
however, some of the actors r hot too, esp the third story
haha, the last story was the ultimate?
the funniest and a big twist there
those guys nv failed to make us laugh (the same 4 guys acted on 4bia 1)

well coast is clear now
hmm, felt elated when i received ur msg
thought u will send some shooting msg
but when i read
tears started to flow out of my eyes again

i felt thAT i failed as a fren
even though i understand how much pain or stress that u r undergoing
i didnt try to listen to u
i didnt put myself into ur shoes
i didnt control my emotions
i didnt try to be more tolerant
i didnt try to be more understanding
well, it is all over.i guess?

today. 20/09/09
went to do facial
it sucks?
then went to serangoon central to look for any clinic which open
i need to visit a doc urgently
cos i need treatment or maybe assurance badly

seriously,i chose the wrg day to go n see doc
all clinics r closed , only left with one
but the consultation fee costs $34!!
no choice, i really need treatment

well ,it worth the $34 consultation fee
haha, sound like a despo here ,but he is still hot, even my sis agrees with me
back back
stupid skin irritation
it spreads to both my hands
it is freaking red now n freaky too
like some contagious disease
handsome doc said it is due to close contact with some material
maybe clothes or water?
my hands r dam freaky now....
wont be out for the next few days...
hope it will stop spreading
oh ,he also said it is not advicsable to perspire or else it will spread even further
and to stay in aircon condition...
arghh,there gone with my runnning n ecp cycling...
it sucks

3:31 PM

Friday, September 18, 2009

i hate today-- 18
nothing turns out right for me

i thought we r e real friends
the one that knows me well from the bottom of ur heart

i thought that we r the one that can last really long till we r both old grandma..
but i guess im terribly wrong...

i thought that things can turn out fine.
there is nth wrg between us
my conscious is damn fucking clear
i dont like to get accused

i really thought that u dont mind
i even when to seek for ur permission
n we went our seperate ways home

my heart was really pounding when u ignored my calls or msgs
worrying that smth really bad might happened to u
worrying that u might get the wrg idea
but at first i cast those thoughts out of my mind
cause i know that u will trust me
put ur 100% trust on me

until i heard the real reason
im wrg
i m speechless
well, perhaps im just too freak out
too freak out that i might lose u as a friend
wish i really dont want to or not even dare to dream of it

CRAP, cant stop the running tap now
kept flowing
but i still have to wipe away those tears
n force a fake smile to show that nth happened at all
im sorry
i cant

11:22 PM

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Poor blog, been neglected by me for years.....
well, currently im in ngee ann poly,sch of lsct,cbe.
stress course, been taking triple sci again and double math.
hope next sem modules willl be lighter.
yeah! exam is finally over..and embrace the 7 weeks of holi.
been wondering shld i get a job or just slack my ass off for this holi?

hmm..well..who say poly life is much more easier than sec?
personally, i dont think so...
it is just one word to describe it ...stress.

7:32 PM

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

woke up at 8 plus
accompanied sis to salon
then went to shop & save for some last minute shopping
reached sch

in the afternoon
off we go to the dairy farm
the dorm was quite small but very cooling
had crc
til halfway it rained
so got to cancel n went into the forest
to run through
the quarry is dam dam beautiful
but got lot of mosquitoes
slpt at dorm 3b

woke up at 6 plus
then nth to do
so went back to slp till 8
n changing of dorm to 6b
it was infrastructure with ants
change into slack n shoe
went for crc again
played for a long while
then went to cold storage
dam cool!!
tis was the first camp for mi
that we can go out n shop de
went back ard 3 plus

sec 3 came
at first it was quite chaostic
but it was fine
had survivor cooking
where mr kang killed the eels n frogs
n peeled their skins off
dam horrible

prepared for night mission
si hui n mi were at the escape route
so quite slack
our job was to warn them of the barrier
yeah that all
n to head count too
was completely knocked out

had crc the whole day long
i wanted to play the flying fox
but couldnt get a chance to play

had survivor cooking again
dam grossed
went to try it out
dam guilty
did smth bad
had camp fire
got to go home

STUPID parents
dont want ot fetch mi home
they rather fetch my sis than mi
wtf la
is she carrying the same amt of tins as mi?
how old is she?
so old le,still nid them to fetch
dam pissed!!!!!
n wad complained they haven eaten
heck sia
since primary sch when have u all fetch mi to sch or to camp b4??
the ans is a straight NO!
only once on 20/1.that is bcos i need to buy smth that all

10:22 PM

Friday, January 18, 2008

had adam khoo workshop
dam funny!!!!

went to lecture hall
lucky got jacket
mouth kept chattering

had Stuart Tan as our trainer
he was quite boring
talked bout those school-based thingy
however he told us some lame jokes

had recess
then went back to the freezer rm
laugh laugh laugh
then had lunch

changed of trainer
to gary lee
he was SUPER SUPER SUPER funny!!!!
kept on laughing non-stop
laughed till my mouth hurt

this workshop was suppose to motivate us
yet it made us laugh n laugh onli

What had i learnt??
-choices have consequences(look familiar??)
-control our emotions
-have goals--->strategy---->actions
(a feeling of being loveable n capable)
-plan our future
-100% participation
-E (events) + R(response) = O(outcome)
-learn to set goal
-have 100% confidence in examination hall
-laughter is the best medication
- n many many more
- plus plus jokes!!

7:31 PM